The declassé and the classay
Last Saturday I had a friend over for drinks, and I bust out the 2014 William Heritage Estate Reserve Chardonnay. It was gorgeous,...
Bend, OR | 609-933-1763
The declassé and the classay
You want steak wine? This is your steak wine
Unaware and unoaked
It's real cool in the cellar
Print “Hello World!”
Packing it up
Not much contrast, but pretty beyond compare
Groovin' on GrünerGroovin' on grüner
Getting around on Pi Day
Midnight ramblings
Opening that bottle
Republic of Georgia on my mind
Winebroing with Somm (2012)
No $13,000 bottles here
Emptying the Cellar One Bottle at a Time
Philadelphia Freedom
Pleasantly surprised
Staying vertical during a vertical tasting
Drink and eat what tastes good
Will it pair?